google-site-verification: google29dddf1ade3470ee.html free Download Aplikasi Blackberry Silent photo ~ Cuma Sekedar Tau
Download free aplikasi blackberry silent foto.Aplikasi ini berfungsi untuk mematikan suara camera pada saat anda mengambil photo di kamera blackberry.mungkin bagi yang hobi nyolong photo atau mengambil photo secara diam diam tanpa ingin di ketahui oleh korban aplikasi silent photo ini cocok untuk anda download.

✔ Take photos silently
✔ No shutter sound
✔ Media card support
✔ One-click photo taking
✔ Intuitive UI design

After the image has been taken, it is saved in
the ‘Camera’ directory on your media card (if
it is available) or on your device’s internal
storage. The dimensions of the image saved
with this app depends on your screen’s
resolution. The screen resolution varies
between different devices based on your
screen size and camera.
Required Device Software
Smartphone: 6.0.0 or higher

Download OTA

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